Friday, November 20, 2015

The film that I am presenting entitled "Human Property the Story of Mariah and Martha" is about both of my 3rd great grandmothers who were born into slavery. Mariah was born a slave, witnessed a massacre and after slavery she was a servant for confederate president Jefferson Davis. She told Davis about the massacre and he said that he regretted the institution of slavery. Mariah's grandson Elliot Von Joseph Beal told his cousin Mahala Jackson about the massacre and the horrors of slavery. They became active in the Civil Rights Movement with Dr. King. Mariah's collection is housed at Amistad Tulane University and the Washington Arkansas Archives. My 3rd great grandmother Martha Lizella Lee was the slave mistress to John C. Calhoun the 7th Vice President of the United States. Her slave bills are housed at Clemson University. Her story is amazing as she had 3 children by Calhoun. Calhoun sold two of Martha's children, Nancy and Richard she never recovered Richard. Years after slavery, Martha by pure coincidence, bumped into Nancy at a picnic. Martha fainted when she saw her daughter. The two were reunited after about 30 years of separation.  My DNA on ancestry matches to the descendants of Calhoun, I have the family story, the archive manager at Clemson knows my story and I have slave records.

Please watch the teaser/video and please donate.