Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Mariah on the cover of the book

“Human Property Hanging in the Family Tree Yields a Harvest,” is

a true story of the life and times of Mariah and her family. Mariah

was born a slave, witnessed a brutal slave massacre, and fought the

KKK. Mariah’s departure to transcend from human property to a

human being was met with opposition, as she and her family

channeled through the violent Reconstruction Era. As the matriarch

of her family, Mariah, was unwavering as she attempted to sail

through the iniquitous institution of inequality. She remained

steadfast in her hope of attaining the American dream.

Excerpt:" With the enduring memory of slavery, the strength to
survive and sustain the right to battle for equality, Mariah left the
mentality of the plantation and never looked back. Mariah wrapped up her waist length hair, adorned herself with fine jewelry and only wearing the apparel that she had designed, she was ready to begin her life as a free woman.The days of free labor were behind her.
Now, all the clothes that she had designed were for sale. Her talents as a seamstress and a fashion designer landed her the opportunity to work for the elite residents of Gulfport, one of which was former Confederate President Jefferson Davis." Pg.69

Read what Mariah experienced in the home of Jefferson Davis.

EBook Kindle Edition at Amazon. Free on April 25, 2012

 Ann’s contact information:

 Twitter @alee4272 
Email: alee4272@gmail.com